Estimated 28% discount fixed for 3 years. Payment by monthly DD.
For more details with no obligation click Continue and select ‘best 3 year’ from the options.
Estimated 25% discount fixed for 2 years. Payment by monthly DD.
For more details with no obligation click Continue and select ‘best 2 year’ from the options.
Estimated 21% discount fixed for 1 year. Payment by monthly DD.
For more details with no obligation click Continue and select ‘best 1 year’ from the options.
Water spend over £3000 a year & think you may have been overcharged?
Prior to switching, a desk top audit to uncover any historical incorrect charges will be carried out inc:
50% of any overcharges found – claims can go back 5 years
Lower charges going forward after rates have been corrected
AMR/Snap units fitted to ensure accurate reads and billing
View via Portal reads/usage for each site inc Co2 footprint
Alerts should usage fall outside normal patterns (such as leaks)
“Information online excellent and registering was easy. £2537.56 annual water saving.”