Fix your water and waste business rates for the best discount and lowest price guaranteed

Estimated 28% discount fixed for 3 years. Payment by monthly DD.

For more details with no obligation click Continue and select ‘best 3 year’ from the options.

We help all of our customers save money through reducing their tariff rates and offering cheap tariffs. Our aim is to provide transparency on the rates you pay and what they are used for to help ensure you have confidence that you are getting value for money.

Estimated 25% discount fixed for 2 years. Payment by monthly DD.

For more details with no obligation click Continue and select ‘best 2 year’ from the options.

Get our best online quote and switch online now

Estimated 21% discount fixed for 1 year. Payment by monthly DD.

For more details with no obligation click Continue and select ‘best 1 year’ from the options.


We recover overcharges and reduce future spends on a share of saving basis


Water spend over £3000 a year & think you may have been overcharged?

Prior to switching, a desk top audit to uncover any historical incorrect charges will be carried out inc:

  1. 50% of any overcharges found – claims can go back 5 years

  2. Lower charges going forward after rates have been corrected

  3. AMR/Snap units fitted to ensure accurate reads and billing

  4. View via Portal reads/usage for each site inc Co2 footprint

  5. Alerts should usage fall outside normal patterns (such as leaks)

Information online excellent and registering was easy. £2537.56 annual water saving.
— Charity, Maryhill Glasgow

Best water rates from Castle Water

Including prices from Clear Business Water

Including prices from Clear Business Water