Npower Fined The Highest So Far at 26 Million Pounds

Npower has just topped the table in terms of fines levied by OFGEM. Not exactly something to be proud of but here's the latest state of play:

Ofgem gets tough: Biggest penalties for energy suppliers
Supplier Penalty Reason
Npower £26m Complaints failure. Dec 2015
E.On £12m Broke energy sales rules. May 2014
British Gas £11.1m Failure to insulate homes. Dec 2014
SSE £10.5m Mis-selling. May 2013
E.On £7.75m Overcharging customers. April 2015
E.On £7m Smart meter failure. November 2015
British Gas £5.6m Preventing switching. April 2014
British Gas £2.5m Mishandling complaints. July 2011
Scottish Power £2.4m Failure to insulate homes. Dec 2014
Npower £2m Mishandling complaints. Oct 2011
SSE £1.75m Failure to insulate homes. Dec 2014
Source: Ofgem